Design and Installation of Nest Boxes (Bird Nesting Boxes)

A successful example installed in the city of Isfahan
Since 2016, the Avaye Boom Birdwatching Society has been actively engaged in different stages and times for educational purposes or wildlife conservation, constructing and installing various nest boxes for birds. A nest box is a container provided for birds to build their nests in. These boxes have been used for several decades in various countries to help people become more familiar with birds and are sometimes used for bird conservation projects.
On this page, you will learn more about Avaye Boom’s activities in constructing and installing nest boxes and find answers to frequently asked questions in this area.
Frequently Asked Questions About Bird Nest Boxes
What is a Nest Box or Bird Nest?
Using a nest box, or bird nesting box, is an ancient and effective method for attracting birds. These boxes can be used as a tool to attract birds to a garden or backyard and sometimes as a means for protection and biological control. The primary use of these boxes is to facilitate the observation of birds’ life and breeding stages, enhancing people’s familiarity with bird life and their enjoyment of bird watching.
Do these boxes provide a warm shelter for birds in winter?
The simple answer is no! Birds mainly breed in spring and summer and do not use nests outside the breeding season. It is important to note that birds do not need human assistance to stay warm in winter, and human intervention in this matter is not recommended. In fact, building bird nests is more of a tool to create friendship and interaction between birds and humans than a necessity for birds’ survival.
How likely is it that a bird will choose to nest in these boxes?
Years of research and study on bird nesting behavior have determined the exact dimensions and preferred spaces for different bird species to choose their nests. Therefore, each bird species breeds in a box with its specific characteristics. Changing the standard dimensions of the box for each species may result in birds not using it. Depending on the intended bird species, the dimensions of the box, the entrance hole, the height and direction of installation, and the distance between nest boxes will vary. Studies have shown that bird acceptance of these nest boxes varies between 20 to 80 percent, depending on conditions and species.
What are the benefits of constructing and installing these nest boxes?
The construction and installation of nest boxes is an age-old method of fostering interest in birds among the public. Major organizations and NGOs related to wildlife and bird conservation, such as the BTO in the UK and Audubon in the USA, conduct large-scale projects in this regard annually. These projects typically involve teaching the public how to build and install nest boxes or selling nest boxes to enthusiasts and using the proceeds for bird conservation. In a few cases, nest boxes have also been used to protect bird species facing severe population declines.
Who are the specialists involved in the construction and installation of nest boxes at Avaye Boom?
Several experts are involved in Avaye Boom’s nest box construction and installation projects. Ms. Yasmin Yousefi and Mr. Shahin Yousefi, environmental specialists, serve as design and construction consultants. Ms. Jahanbin, a veterinary advisor to the society, Mr. Benjamin Kazemzadeh, a plant protection advisor for nest box installation on trees, and Mr. Iman Ebrahimi, a birdwatching guide for selecting suitable installation sites, are just some of the experts involved in these projects.